Inspired by Gena at Dexterity Consulting and Calgary Chamber of Commerce iF Series I started thinking about my February 29. Would I appreciate or assimilate the 24 hours? Would I just cram more of the same into the time between 5am and 10pm or would I open my head, heart and hope to something else?
If I look back to other significant days ~ statutory holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, I see that more and more they just blend into the work-a-day pace with a possible short acknowledgement over a meal. How did that happen? When did I stop pausing to smell the flowers?
I am going to take the day or maybe release the day is more apt. There is a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" sitting nearby that I will start with and watch where the day takes me. As a through-time planner this can be a very difficult exercise, seemingly impossible to let Que Sera, Sera have any room.
I will be attending the iF presentations this afternoon with some great friends and will try not to feel guilty that I am choosing pleasure over productivity.