A great post a couple of weeks ago has been stirring around in my list of subjects. An Inc. article by Jeff Haden 8 Qualities of Remarkable Employees resonated with me.
Jeff lists 8 qualities (all of which I like to think I have) beginning with;
They ignore their job descriptions. In my world this is reflected in a need for flexibility and a great deal of comfort with ambiguity. Creativity blossoms when we not only think outside the box but we step away and create a whole new shape which likely isn't possible with a rigid job description
They're eccentric. Same old, same old brings same old results. In the paradigm shift we are living in, staus quo breeds familiarity which breeds contempt.
They know when to dial it back. This is the harmony piece I struggle with.I shun the idea of balance because I believe we are called to live in tension so I often miss the subtle clues (like a verbal smack) that I have gone too far.
They publicly praise. I often say that "anyone on our small team would take a bullet for me and I for them" because they passionately believe in the why, how and what of our organization. Great reminder to tell them what amazing work they do and what a difference they make.
They privately complain. Everything isn't rainbows and unicorns and venting can be an impetus to change. Complaints are part of communication. After dwelling in the space take a big step out and see the abundance surrounding us.
They speak when others won't. This is both courage and compassion exemplified (or it can be). When we see/hear/feel something out of sorts, it is our responsibility to speak up. I like the Homeland Security poster I saw at SFO " if you see something, say something".
They like to prove others wrong. This isn't the vindictive backbiting shrewish approach but rather the driven mismatching doer style. When faced with barriers, they overcome. When faced with criticism, they persevere. When faced with opposition, they excel.
They're always fiddling. I really like the relentless change agents in my life. Those who are constantly evaluating, adapting, re-evaluating and making changes. The entrepreneur approach of 'build, fix, build, fix ...' can lead to as yet unimagined solutions.
Go out there today and be a remarkable employee, a remarkable friend, a remarkable citizen.