I used to believe that remarkable people always agreed. There was an answer, an absolute answer, to every question. There was a solution, a perfect solution, to every problem. There was one way, one response, one truth.
I now understand that it is in disagreement that the as yet unimagined arises. A better than compromise position is found to what seems to be intractable differences. This happens not because I am right and you are wrong but because we listen, listen globally, to each other and allow the brilliance inside both of us to shine through the absolutes and biases.
I spoke last night to a group from MRUAA Bissett School of Business Alumni Chapter.. I opened with some personal journey stuff, followed with BB4CK's 'make it your problem philosophy and practice' and closed with the challenge to embrace the amazing abundance in our world that is ready and waiting. I saw nods and head shakes from the audience so I knew I was hitting the right balance.
The other speaker, Jordan Hamilton from the Drop-In Center, talked about why people stay at the homeless shelter - low income (30%), mental health (30%), and addictions(30%) and told stories both celebratory and tragic about the people involved. I was thinking that even though I have known Jordan for more than 5 years I didn't realize how differently we saw the world. Where I saw abundance, he saw scarcity. Where I saw opportunity, he saw challenge. Where I saw possibility, he saw tragedy. Until he said " we don't follow the Homeless Foundation's 'housing first model" but believe in 'community first'". A light bulb went on, we were defining community differently. His definition was far more encompassing but more local and linear. Hearing that distinction, I realized that we were saying many of the same things;
- people are more capable than given credit for
- we are responsible for each other
- we all have responsibilities
- we need to strengthen others by helping them find their 'natural' supports
We still disagree on the approach to solutions. I see and BB4CK confirms an amazing abundance and possible prosperity for all and Jordan is worried about how the next expense should be covered but maybe we just need to listen better and let the unimagined become present.
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